Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back Home Again in Missouri

Guess I should end up our blog now that we have been back in Missouri about ten days. We left Casa Grande with very mixed feelings. We had such a wonderful, wonderful 2 1/2 months there, mainly due to our dear friends, Bob and Judy Howell. Thank you, Bob and Judy, so much for showing us such a good time, for driving us all around showing us sites, for the meals you fixed for us, and for entertaining us. We wouldn't have had as much fun if it hadn't been for you two. You are truly great friends and we are anxious for you to get back to Missouri. We miss you!

We also want to thank Harry and Sue Foster for entertaining us when we were in Mesa. You guys have such a beautiful home there. We were hoping to get together again before we left, but the time just went so fast. We are anxious for you guys to get back also so we can go out and eat and then play some dominoes!

It has been great to get back home and see our families and our sweet little granddaughter, Ella. Now we are anxiously awaiting the birth of our grandson (and so are his parents and sister)!

Our trip back home took us three days. The first night we stayed in New Mexico and the second night we stayed in Oklahoma. Got home about 6:30 on Monday, March 17, 2008. It rained most of the day on Monday. We had a Welcoming Committee on West Gale Road meet us in their yellow rain suits! It was good to see them.

Our last week in Casa Grande went so fast. We spent our last night in Casa Grande by going to Cracker Barrel with Bob and Judy. Left Saturday morning at 6:00 a.m. Larry drove the RV pretty slow as we left the RV park for the last time this year. We are signed up to come back next year for January, February, and March and were able to get the same site.

Thank you all for taking time to read our blog. I wasn't very good at keeping up on it and I apologize for that. Hopefully, next year we will have WiFi from our site and it will be easier to blog.

Until next winter..................The Bowling Snowbirds

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