Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Air Force Museum, Dayton, Ohio

Rain, rain, rain -- please go away! It started raining about 4:00 yesterday afternoon and rained all night, most of the day today, and finally has stopped this evening. However, the forecast is for more rain tomorrow! Oh well, I do enjoy hearing the rain on the rooftop of the motorhome, but after 24 hours, it gets annoying. Ha!

After breakfast we headed to the Air Force Museum at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This is the third time Larry has been there, but always enjoys it. Of course, I am sure they keep adding different planes, exhibits, etc. all the time. I stayed in the motorhome and did some cooking, watched TV, and just relaxed. Larry came out for lunch and then went back into the Museum. He came back about 2:45 and we got headed to Interstate 70 West and drove to New Paris, OH, which is next to the Indiana state line.

The campground we are staying at is the same one we stayed at on our trip out about 5 weeks ago. Doesn't seem like it has been that long ago -- it has gone fast. We should be back home in a couple of days. It's been a great trip and we have seen a lot, but it is going to be good to get home.

Thanks for checking in with us. Will be home soon. Larry and Glenda

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