Friday, October 5, 2007

Hello again:

We woke up to to a beautiful, sunny, 45 degree morning. About 9 AM we headed north on I-95 to a display of fall colors in the morning sun. East of Brunswick off Highway One is a series of fingers pointing south into the Atlantic. This was our destination today. Heading south on highway 123 to Baileys Island, we came to a sign that said 123 ends, and so it did. There was nothing but a bluff and a beach past the sign. There was a clear view of the open Atlantic in front of us with a light surf pounding the beach. It took a while to soak it all in. On the way out we stopped by a deli for some sandwiches and something to drink. We stopped by another beach for an impromptu picnic. It was a little cove and there were some lobster boats docked.

Afterward we took highway 24 up the other side of the finger and then north on highway 1 to highway 130, which is on the fourth finger east. Fort Popham is on this finger. It was started in 1861to protect Bath, Maine. Bath is were the Bath Iron Works is located and they build ships and have been doing so since well before the start of the fort.

Our final destination was the Pemiquid Point Light House. This light house is in use today and the light bulb and lens is maintained by the Coast Guard but building and everything else is maintained through donations.

There is a good view of the Atlantic from this point, a good place to sit and watch the world go by. Very relaxing. By this time it was 4:30 in the afternoon and time to head back. It took 2 hours to get home and was almost dark. Another good day, weatherwise, travel wise and in every other way. Thanks for checking on us. L&G

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