Friday, September 28, 2007

Cape Cod

We weren't able to post our blog last night as the WiFi service was down. We decided to stay around the campground today and just relax so disregard our last paragraph below. It is a beautiful day out in the 70's. Campground is full! There is a dealer who has some RV's set up for display here in the campground so guess we will walk up there and check that out.

Friday, Sept. 28

We headed for Cape Cod somewhat late this morning. We got up in good time but just took our time getting around. I-495 is about 4 miles south of the campground. We headed east and it was a straightt shot to the cape. The cape runs east and west and curls up to the north at its end. There are three roads you can take going east. They come together as you turn north. We ran the northern route most of the way going east. It is called Old King's Highway. The speed limit was 35 mph with lots of little towns. There really wasn't much to see except for trees and antique shops and art galleries. The architecture of the houses in the towns were typical New England. A lot of saltbox style houses with no overhangs on the roofs. For some reason, they reminded me of the houses in the Amana Colonies.

Except for a canal, we didn't see much water until we got to the northern end. That is where a lot of the beaches are. We did stop by one beach for a few minutes and take some pictures, At the very end of the pennisula is Provincetown and is somewhat of a tourist trap. We stopped and looked around for a while an had a bit of ice cream. On the way back we stopped at a light house and took some pictures and some video. I will upload it for this posting, it is 10 to 15 seconds long. We were running out of daylight so came back on Highway 6 which runs down the center. There wasn't much to see except trees again.

We are planning on going back to check out the southern part in a few days. Hyannis and Hyannis Port are on that part. Martha's Vineyard lies just to the south but a ferry or airplane is needed to get there. We will check into that as well.

We may end up back to Boston tomorrow, we will see. (More subway time) Hope you are all doing well and thanks for checking in with us. L&G

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