Friday, September 7, 2007

An Interesting Day

We caught the 8:05 into downtown this morning. By the time we were ready to leave the train station, it was raining "cats and dogs',. So we headed for Dunkin Donuts for dounts and coffee. By the time we were done with our snack the rain had stopped and we were on our way. We headed for the Navy Pier but had to go about 4 blocks to catch the bus first. After we arrived we decided to take a boat tour to see the sky line of Chicago. It was enjoyable and informative. At the end of the pier CNBC was doing a live shot on the economy of Chicago. We knew they were going to be in town but did not know it was today. It was held outside and we just walked by. We were in one segment very briefly, and I think we were in another one as well. The one we were in is at this URL address. If this doesn't work go to http://www.cnbc/, look for video, and scroll down until you see "stocks blown away by jobs". We were in another segment but it is not posted. Mike or Scott, could you please save a copy of the segment to your computer for us?

For lunch, we ate at Billy Goat's Tavern. hey are famous for their "cheez borgors" and Saturday Night Live used them in a skit where they would holler out "Cheez Buorgor, Cheez Buorgor, Cheez Buorg0r -- No Fries, Just Cheeps".

From there we walked the Magnificent Mile, a shopping area on Michigan Ave. Except for buying something at Wal Greens, we just looked. After that it was time for dinner. Glenda wanted to eat at Portillo's and try out their world famous hotdogs and we did. The only problem was we had just finished walking the Magnificent Mile when we started asking about the location and found out it was halfway back and 3 blocks west from were we had just come! We had already walked off the hot dog before we got it, but it was good.

We did decide to come home early and caught the 5:04 back home. We didn't know it was the express train, so we got home a half hour earlier than planned. Once in awhile you get lucky.

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMANDA -- Hope you had a great day celebrating with Mike and Ella!

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